
Can Honey Really Help You Lose Weight? Really?

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Most of us have heard that when you want to lose weight, you have to stop eating sweet things. This is not always true, however.

Believe it or not, many people have lost weight when they started to use honey instead of sugar. Weight loss using honey can actually happen when you know some facts about honey.

First, let’s look at honey and table sugar. A teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. Sugar is highly processed, it does not contain many healthy ingredients if at all.

A teaspoon of honey contains 21 calories. However, honey also contains many healthy such as amino acids, vitamins and mineral ingredients.

How honey can help you lose weight 

Honey certainly has a healthier glycemic index compared to sugar. This means that when you eat a little honey, it does not cause you to experience a sugar rush because it is absorbed into your body gradually, unlike sugar.

Honey gives you a source of energy that is stabilized. It will not give you a “high” or a sugar “crash” energy later.

As we all know self-control is very important when trying to lose those extra pounds. Most people only need a little honey to satisfy their sweet tooth. Many people experience low energy levels when diet. Honey helps you with this problem because it can keep your most stabilized throughout the day energy levels.

Honey is Sweeter tasting is compared to sugar 

This means you will use less honey. Because it has more flavor than sugar, you only need to add some drinks or food. After eating a little honey,

you will feel more fulfilled and that means you’ll be less tempted to cheat on your diet. So say goodbye to sugar and next time put a little honey in your cup of tea or coffee.

Eat honey before and after exercise 

It is important to exercise when you want to lose weight and be healthier. Eat honey before starting exercise will give you the energy you need if you do not leave early. Studies have shown that athletes recover faster when they eat some honey after their performance.

So if you go for a walk or go to the gym, put a teaspoon of honey in your raw water bottle. Guests can enjoy before and after exercise. You will be surprised how you feel after your workout.

Weight loss using honey and cinnamon 

The following recipe is delicious and simple to make. Make a big batch of it and keep your refrigerator so you can enjoy it any time you want to eat something sweet.


1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup water


1 Mix the honey, cinnamon and water in a small saucepan.
2 Bring the mixture to a boil. Allow to cool before refrigerating.
3 Drink a half cup of the mixture an hour before breakfast and another half a cup about an hour before you go to bed.

It’s a good idea to try different kinds of teas and honeys. This way you won’t get bored with just one flavor.

Can Honey Really Help You Lose Weight? Really?

Foods, Health, Easy, Healthy, Healthy Food Choices, weight, Healthy Recipes, Easy Healthy Recipes, Healthy Food, food

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/1pBddbI

Weight Loss Dieting – 3 So-Called “Healthy Foods” You Must Stop Eating Immediately!

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Weight loss dieting can be an absolute nightmare… if… you are either fad dieting or not getting 100% proper nutrition. Why is that? Well, food has always been and will always be the ultimate solution for getting in the best shape and health.

That being said, there are 3 so-called healthy foods out there that are marketed to you and I as if they are the best things in the world to eat to help lose weight. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

The following shocking foods you are going to read about in this article are actually not healthy for you, and in some cases, can actually cause you to regain weight back, damage your digestive system, and so much more!

Deception is a very common tactic in the food industry. This is why you are noticing a ton of so-called healthy foods jumping on the market. They realize that by making something appear healthy (when it really isn’t) will cause people to become deceived and they will end up spending a ton of money thinking they are doing right thing with eating healthy.

Listen, i’ve been done the road of getting mediocre to absolutely no results whatsoever with trying to slim down.

I want to help you avoid the misery I had to deal with. Once you understand thoroughly that what goes in your stomach is the greatest weapon for attacking pounds of stubborn fat, and then you go on a program based around proper nutrition, you are going to be absolutely amazed at how fast you’ll lose weight!

Alright, here are those 3 so-called healthy foods I recommend you stop eating immediately:

Low-fat food options…

This is a very popular type of food for those looking to get in shape. As soon as people see low-fat, they immediately think it’s healthy. This is certainly not the case. Most low-fat foods are usually higher in calories, and many people tend to eat more since they think this type of food isn’t going to pack on pounds.

 Furthermore, we actually need GOOD fats in our diet in order to effectively get in shape and improve our overall health. Most low-fat options do not contain this healthy fat (which is monounsaturated and omega fatty acids). The best foods with healthy fat are fish, nuts, olive oil, and more.

No-sugar foods and drinks…

For those who have or are at risk of developing diabetes are recommended to eat sugar-free foods. These foods and drinks have either no or low calories and no sugar.

At first this seems all fine and well. After all, sugar is one of the biggest things you MUST avoid in your diet as much as possible if you want to lose weight, burn fat, and stay healthy. However, in the case of sugar-free foods and drinks, this is where I recommend you draw the line.

Sugar-free foods are replaced with unhealthy sugar alcohols and sugar substitutes (such as aspartame). Both of those things can cause a myriad of problems ranging from bloating and digestive problems to potentially developing diseases! What I recommend you do is to first avoid any type of soda (regular, diet, etc.), and if you want a sweetener that is healthy, I recommend using Stevia.

Store-bought smoothies…

Smoothies are synonymous with eating healthy. They are delicious, nutritious, and filling. However, most store-bought smoothies are not healthy. The reason why is because they more than likely have a ton of calories you don’t know about (such as additional sugar, sugary fruit juices instead of actual fruit, ice cream, and more).

The best solution is very simple: Make your own smoothies at home with a blender or juicing machine and all-natural products (organic milk, fresh fruit, etc.).

Bottom line…

It pays to be extra careful when shopping for foods to eat to lose weight. Paying close attention to food labels can make a HUGE difference for you to improve your overall health and get in great shape.

Once I started doing this along with going on a natural diet program (which is based around getting 100% proper nutrition and eating delicious and COMPLETELY natural foods), dropping pounds was a piece of cake (okay maybe that was a wrong choice of words there… lol)!

Weight Loss Dieting – 3 So-Called “Healthy Foods” You Must Stop Eating Immediately!

Healthy Foods, weight

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/1lJdNYy

Weight Management Tips: Why Eating Healthy Foods Will Help You Lose Stomach Fat

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One of the big mistakes many people make when they try to lose weight is to cut their food intake right down, including healthy foods.

This is the wrong thing to do for two reasons: a strict diet is usually unsustainable because it is just too hard to maintain and the healthy foods did not put on the weight. It was the unhealthy foods that did that.

Healthy foods give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to make up energy it will lose if you are eating less. In fact, you do not need to eat less if you are are eating the right foods. Here are some reasons why eating healthy foods will help you lose stomach fat.

Healthy Foods Means Low Calories

Foods like fruit and vegetables, lean meats, eggs, beans and raw nuts are naturally low in calories. They are natural sources of carbohydrates and protein that your body will turn into muscle and energy.

Unhealthy foods such as sugar, white flour products and take-aways will make fat that is stored on your stomach. In addition to that, they trigger a response in the body that has it looking for more food shortly after eating. On the other hand, healthy foods satisfy your appetite and keep hunger pangs at bay.

Your Body Needs Carbohydrates

You body needs fuel for energy. Carbohydrates are the fuel that keeps your body going. Starvation diets that deprive your body of carbohydrates are dangerous, because your body will draw on other sources of energy. It does this by drawing on lean muscle tissue.

It also has the reverse effect to losing weight by storing fat to use as energy. If you are deprived of energy you become tired easily and this can affect your good intentions. You need your energy to keep up with your weight loss plan.

Some Foods Burn Fat

Eating healthy foods that include plenty of protein will help your body burn fat. Your body has to work harder to process protein and this helps it burn fat. It does this by speeding up your metabolism. Protein also makes you feel more satisfied and gives you energy for longer periods.

This means you are not looking for high sugar foods or highly processed food to give you an energy lift with the unwanted side effect of storing fat.

If you want to lose stomach fat, make sure you are eating healthy foods as part of your weight loss plan. This is a plan you can follow for the rest of you life. It will help you lose weight and keep it off.

It will give you the energy and nutrients your body needs and satisfy your appetite so that you are not looking for those sugary snacks. And the best part – you will not have to put yourself through the pain of another fad diet that will probably not work.

Weight Management Tips: Why Eating Healthy Foods Will Help You Lose Stomach Fat

weight, Healthy Food

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/1q06FGv