How to Tell If Meat in The Supermarket Is Fresh and of Good Quality

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Some people are intimidated when buying meat because they do not really know how to tell if it is fresh or already wrong, or they do not know what to look for.

Different cuts of meat can be quite confusing. The quality is not always very easy to say.

Of course, to make sure you buy the high quality meat fresh, you must purchase a good butcher. Usually it is an independent person in your community who buys from local farms and butchers animals himself.

This type of butcher became scarce for some time but saw again emerge. And survey your neighborhood for one.

But if the supermarket is just what you have, keep in mind the following things to look for when shopping for a piece of meat:

1 Butchered meat well 

A good butcher that focuses on the quality of its products will often have pieces of meat on the well screen massacred. Cuts of meat more should be on the same thickness and size. In addition, the cuts should be smooth without pirated pieces, ragged edges, and / or unequal parts.

2 Meat color 

The meat color may vary depending on the type of cut or the animal he is. However, any type of fresh meat must have rich color and vibrant. Usually a piece of meat that uniform color is good. Discolored spots could be an indicator of poor handling or tampering.

3 texture of meat 

You also want to look at the grain of the meat (which is the direction of muscle fibers) and also how uniform or tight as it seems. If the muscle fibers of the meat are unequal, very loose, or broken, they can also indicate poor quality and / or mishandling.

It will also help if you have some knowledge on the piece of meat you get. Be aware that the cuts of meat have a lot of fats, which are leaner cuts, and the meat should look like can help you choose good quality ones.

For example, look for lots of marbling if you are looking for a ribeye steak tender. But if you are looking for a flank steak, look for consistency in the grain and texture.

The meat you buy should be cold to the touch. Do not buy products made from meat that feel warm, as this is a sign that the meat was not kept at the right temperature.

How to Tell If Meat in The Supermarket Is Fresh and of Good Quality

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