
Can Honey Really Help You Lose Weight? Really?

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Most of us have heard that when you want to lose weight, you have to stop eating sweet things. This is not always true, however.

Believe it or not, many people have lost weight when they started to use honey instead of sugar. Weight loss using honey can actually happen when you know some facts about honey.

First, let’s look at honey and table sugar. A teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. Sugar is highly processed, it does not contain many healthy ingredients if at all.

A teaspoon of honey contains 21 calories. However, honey also contains many healthy such as amino acids, vitamins and mineral ingredients.

How honey can help you lose weight 

Honey certainly has a healthier glycemic index compared to sugar. This means that when you eat a little honey, it does not cause you to experience a sugar rush because it is absorbed into your body gradually, unlike sugar.

Honey gives you a source of energy that is stabilized. It will not give you a “high” or a sugar “crash” energy later.

As we all know self-control is very important when trying to lose those extra pounds. Most people only need a little honey to satisfy their sweet tooth. Many people experience low energy levels when diet. Honey helps you with this problem because it can keep your most stabilized throughout the day energy levels.

Honey is Sweeter tasting is compared to sugar 

This means you will use less honey. Because it has more flavor than sugar, you only need to add some drinks or food. After eating a little honey,

you will feel more fulfilled and that means you’ll be less tempted to cheat on your diet. So say goodbye to sugar and next time put a little honey in your cup of tea or coffee.

Eat honey before and after exercise 

It is important to exercise when you want to lose weight and be healthier. Eat honey before starting exercise will give you the energy you need if you do not leave early. Studies have shown that athletes recover faster when they eat some honey after their performance.

So if you go for a walk or go to the gym, put a teaspoon of honey in your raw water bottle. Guests can enjoy before and after exercise. You will be surprised how you feel after your workout.

Weight loss using honey and cinnamon 

The following recipe is delicious and simple to make. Make a big batch of it and keep your refrigerator so you can enjoy it any time you want to eat something sweet.


1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup water


1 Mix the honey, cinnamon and water in a small saucepan.
2 Bring the mixture to a boil. Allow to cool before refrigerating.
3 Drink a half cup of the mixture an hour before breakfast and another half a cup about an hour before you go to bed.

It’s a good idea to try different kinds of teas and honeys. This way you won’t get bored with just one flavor.

Can Honey Really Help You Lose Weight? Really?

Foods, Health, Easy, Healthy, Healthy Food Choices, weight, Healthy Recipes, Easy Healthy Recipes, Healthy Food, food

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/1pBddbI

How to Tell If Meat in The Supermarket Is Fresh and of Good Quality

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Some people are intimidated when buying meat because they do not really know how to tell if it is fresh or already wrong, or they do not know what to look for.

Different cuts of meat can be quite confusing. The quality is not always very easy to say.

Of course, to make sure you buy the high quality meat fresh, you must purchase a good butcher. Usually it is an independent person in your community who buys from local farms and butchers animals himself.

This type of butcher became scarce for some time but saw again emerge. And survey your neighborhood for one.

But if the supermarket is just what you have, keep in mind the following things to look for when shopping for a piece of meat:

1 Butchered meat well 

A good butcher that focuses on the quality of its products will often have pieces of meat on the well screen massacred. Cuts of meat more should be on the same thickness and size. In addition, the cuts should be smooth without pirated pieces, ragged edges, and / or unequal parts.

2 Meat color 

The meat color may vary depending on the type of cut or the animal he is. However, any type of fresh meat must have rich color and vibrant. Usually a piece of meat that uniform color is good. Discolored spots could be an indicator of poor handling or tampering.

3 texture of meat 

You also want to look at the grain of the meat (which is the direction of muscle fibers) and also how uniform or tight as it seems. If the muscle fibers of the meat are unequal, very loose, or broken, they can also indicate poor quality and / or mishandling.

It will also help if you have some knowledge on the piece of meat you get. Be aware that the cuts of meat have a lot of fats, which are leaner cuts, and the meat should look like can help you choose good quality ones.

For example, look for lots of marbling if you are looking for a ribeye steak tender. But if you are looking for a flank steak, look for consistency in the grain and texture.

The meat you buy should be cold to the touch. Do not buy products made from meat that feel warm, as this is a sign that the meat was not kept at the right temperature.

How to Tell If Meat in The Supermarket Is Fresh and of Good Quality

Foods, Easy, Healthy Food Choices, Foods For Meals, Heart Healthy Recipe, Healthy Recipes, Easy Healthy Recipes, Healthy Food, food

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/WqKNdv


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Traditional Texas Foods

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Many different dishes can be considered as originating foods Texas. Some of these indigenous recipes are simply done with little effort exerted insofar culinary skills are.

Two of these wonderful recipes Texas do not take much of anything. Whether it’s time, money, effort, or culinary skills – for both processes a meal, you will not need a lot of nothing.

The first hand is made with Fritos, which is a type of chip and a very popular food choice Texas. But Fritos are not the only thing you need to do this, of course. You will also need to easily spice on some ground beef, which Cattle Drive can be thanked for providing us at the first time in this state.

Once you have added the ingredients you want in your chili and correct spices to suit your taste, you go up a bowl of this chili with Fritos. Finally, you want to add a little cheese, jalapenos, and maybe some chopped, depending on how you prefer the food delicious Texas onions. This recipe is a native of Texas is known as a Frito pie and it was invented in Plano, Texas.

The second delicious recipe you’ll want to get your hands on as was invented in the state. It can now be found in any region of the state and in many other Southern states. This recipe involves a slab of Texas beef steak and chew much like steak ‘cubes’. However, the difference here is that this recipe involves Texas chicken fried steak so you’re left with a salty and crispy on the outside breading.

This breading or frying chicken is a bit like the fry out of the fried chicken. The only variation is that there is a delicious beef steak in the center of this Recipe Texas. It can be eaten with sauce and mashed potatoes, as these are often a choice of side recipe Texas very popular, especially for this delicious recipe.

Of course, these are not the only food choices that you have when visiting Texas this beautiful state. There are many classic southern Made just screaming his name when you dig your teeth into them. However, these two recipes Texas are somewhat of a delicacy in the state.

 Not only are they extremely easy and quick meals, they are also one of the tastiest and most popular Texas food that you will try. And they will not be easily forgotten.

So if you are looking for a Texas easy recipe that you can prepare quickly, is easy on your pocket, is not messy or difficult to clean, and is just as delicious as something that is expensive difficult to cook and clean, then definitely try these two recipes Texas.

They will not let you down, but they will surely fill you up. Do not forget to add all your favorite herbs, spices, vegetables and condiments as required.

Traditional Texas Foods

Healthy Recipes For Kids, Foods, Easy, Foods For Meals, Healthy Foods, Colon Healthy Recipes, Heart Healthy Recipe, Healthy Recipes, Easy Healthy Recipes, Heart, food

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/VJu8SF

Dieting Made Easy With These Quick Healthy Recipes

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In today’s busy world we all look for the easiest and quickest ways to do everything. Time is at a premium; therefore, everything we do has to accommodate for this hectic lifestyle.

Unfortunately, this means too many of our fellow citizens are ordering take out or grabbing a slice of pizza, too often, instead of preparing home cooked healthier meal alternatives. However, this does not have to be the case. There are a multitude of recipes that are easy to make in a minimal amount of time.

Quick healthy recipes is required reading for anyone that is serious about turning over a new leaf and getting healthy once again.

The premise of quick healthy recipes is creating meals that are natural, easy to make, delicious tasting, and good for you. These recipes will allow you and your loved ones to lose weight and enjoy the process because your meals taste so good.

Quick healthy recipes help make healthy eating and living a real possibility for everyone in your home.

A couple of my favourite meals from these lists that I am sure the whole family will enjoy are:

Grilled chicken fingers with honey mustard dip and baked sweet potato fries/strips. This is a quick healthy recipe that is a great alternative to the conventional unhealthy deep fried chicken fingers and French fries. This recipe is sure to be a family favourite and will keep everyone healthy and a little less heavy.

A great quick healthy recipe snack is creating your very own delicious smoothies. I love to create these smoothies and get as creative as I can. I like to start off with ice, 1% milk and a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt in the blender. I then like to add a banana, cantaloupe and some strawberries.

I mix this in the blender for 15 seconds and I have a great tasting snack-time-meal that will keep me full of energy and satisfied until my next meal. This smoothie takes no longer than two minutes to prepare but keeps me satisfied for so much longer.

One last example of a quick healthy recipe is grilling some fresh salmon with a side salad of leafy lettuce and some red onions, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. This meal is quick to prepare and is a great source of protein and omega 3 fatty acids.

This tasty and nutritious quick healthy recipe meal will make you feel healthy, lose weight, and not miss eating any greasy burgers from the local burger joint.

Quick healthy recipes are a necessity for anyone serious about losing weight and getting into shape. Today’s world really is fast paced and folks really do need some help in creating fast and healthy alternative meal choices.

Quick healthy recipes offer you the opportunity to give yourself and your family the gift of healthy eating and healthy living by creating a mini library of healthy meal choices to choose from every day.

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Dieting Made Easy With These Quick Healthy Recipes

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Easy Healthy Recipes – The Best What You Need to Know

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If you are looking for an easier way to delight in a healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones, one of the most effective ways is to prepare home-cooked meals using Easy Healthy Recipes.

You can drastically improve the health benefits by staying in to eat. Between work, errands, and children’s after-school activities, it’s not easy to find time to make a sit-down dinner.

But before you head out to a restaurant for dinner, consider the advantages of eating together at home. With the rising costs of food and fuel putting a pinch on everyone’s pocketbook these days, one way to ease the pain is to eat out less and make more meals at home.

Home-cooked meals provides benefits that help you save money and are healthier for you and your family.

Once you decide to do more cooking at home, pick out some favorite easy healthy recipes and then get creative. A home-cooked meal offers the following benefits:

* Reduces the amount of processed foods you eat. Freshly prepared meals are better for you than the typical grab-and-go snack. You can help ensure your family eats healthfully.

* Is time well invested. If you sit down to dinner, you’ll probably eat more slowly and take time to enjoy it. This will help prevent overeating.

* Offers fewer distractions. If you serve dinner at the table, away from the television set and other distractions, you’re likely to pay more attention to your food choices and portions.

* Gives you the chance to be a role model. When you eat at the dinner table, your children will have the opportunity to eat what you eat, in the atmosphere you create. This is an opportunity to instill good eating habits and manners.

* Allows you to try new foods. Use your family meal to prepare new foods as well as old favorites. You can find new ideas by checking out easy healthy recipes.

One guide that that I think every family should have is the “Everyday with Rachael Ray”. This is a monthly subscription magazine that has easy healthy recipes for 30 minute meals, breakfast, starters and sides, soups and stews, salads &vegetables, pasta & pizza, etc.

The content is pretty impressive with wonderful recipes, ideas and food stories. Of course, once you try the recipes to see if they are any good, you will be amazed at the quality and variety.

You will be able to make Grilled Beer Chicken with Potato Slabs, Orange Beef with Cilantro Rice, Turkey Kebabs, Roasted-Potato Pennette, Greek Style Tuna Salads, Posole (I was always looking for a good recipe for this – and this is the best one I have come across not to mention easy), Beef Wellingtons (simple) Chicken Curry and more!

Some of the recipes are from her many books, but there is lots of new stuff here as well. I really like the dessert recipes by contributor Silvana Nardone. Other cooks are featured here as well – so this is not strictly a “Rachael Ray” magazine.

Every issue comes with a handy ‘mini cookbook’ complete with grocery list – you can take this right out of the book and bring it to the store. Talk about convenient and clever! Wow! It boasts a week of 30 minute meals. Very nice for the busy home cook.

Overall, I am seriously impressed with this magazine – great content, supremely Easy Healthy Recipes, good variety, lots of pictures, nice layout and a sense of fun that is absent in many of the other cooking magazines.

I recommend this magazine to everyone who loves to cook – not just those looking for cooking in a flash. Stunning!!!

Easy Healthy Recipes – The Best What You Need to Know

Easy, Healthy, Easy Healthy Recipes, recipes

via onebesthealtyrecipes http://ift.tt/OdmprZ